Hope’s Mission statement

At Hope United Methodist Church, we invite, nurture, and empower all God’s children to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Hope’s core values

We believe a critical mark of being a Methodist are the daily practices we use to demonstrate our love for God and love for our neighbors. We have collaborated with the other United Methodist churches in Billings to create these Rules of Life (our core values) as we grow in and share our faith:

  1. We find time to connect with Jesus each day through prayer, Scripture reading, meditation, music, and/or other spiritual exercises.

  2. We meet regularly with a small group whose purpose is to help members intentionally grow in faith and accountability.

  3. We are committed to growing and sharing spiritual gifts - both our own and others’.

  4. We have meaningful relationships with people outside of the church and work to develop a friendship with someone who is different than us (race, religion, class, etc.)

  5. We follow Jesus’ call to servant leadership by serving in a mission/ministry at least one time a month and by sharing the resources with which God has blessed us.

  6. We have honest, open, and difficult conversations; we make room for questions, disagreements, and tension, with as much love and grace as possible, so that we might grow with and learn from each other.

  7. We cultivate sacred rhythms in our lives by including the practice of Sabbath. We strive to maintain a healthy balance of work, service, and rest.